Andhra Pradesh police’s eService vision to bring real-time services and safety measures to common man has rolled out a new application named “Prana Raksha” for mobile platforms that allows the public to send an SOS signal to nearest Police Station for quick dispatch of citizen services from the nearest service points.
KEY FEATURES for registered users of “PRANA RAKSHA” application are:
• GPS location-based services
• Realtime SMS messaging-based information
• Alert mechanism for service providers
• Ability to view nearest Hospitals, Medical shops, Police stations
• Ability to send SOS and help request with single click.
KEY SERVICES for registered users of “Prana Raksha” application are:
•Central command control and mobile command control actively monitor triggered events
•Dispatch citizen services based on nearest Police station and mobile police patrol units
•Dispatch ambulatory services from nearest Hospitals and Police units
•Victims get Realtime updates on dispatched units’ status